A warm welcome from half-way up a volcano

Volcanic wine at the Lynnfield Lux

Welcome to the first blog post on Kirkness & Gorie's new website - and welcome to our new website! 

It was tempting to start with a picture of a big bottle of Champagne popping open in celebration, or something equally rare and extravagant.  But as it's a Lynnfield Lux night tonight, we thought we'd share instead a picture of something we do a dozen times every winter, namely pouring out 50-odd glasses of wine to match the cheese course. 

Tonight the theme is Sicily, and the wine is Terrazze Dell'Etna's Carusu Rosso, 2013 vintage.  It's the first time we've featured Sicily at a Lux, and the first time we've featured a wine made half way up an active volcano!  It's tempting to compare the wine to something volcanic - like sucking on a pumice stone - but that's not a very appealing image.

Better not to get too high-falutin' this early on in our blog-writing career.  Better to just sit back, sip and enjoy it - as well as the lovely Truffle Pecorino it's accompanying.


Duncan McLean